Agility through curiosity
The ability to rapidly provision #puting resources from the cloud has changed the way #panies look at new projects. Without having to worry about the fixed costs that massive #puting used to represent, IT can now stand up new instances with short time horizons. For the first time, IT can say "yes" instead of the boilerplate "no" it’s known for.
从云端获取计算机城市网已经成为很多公司完成新项目的方式了。公司不需要担心庞大的计算架构所带来的固定成本,因为IT可以作为新的选择在短时间内获取新数据。首次,IT以能说 “yes”而不是样版的 “no”而闻名。
The cultural impact this has on a #pany is immense. It rewards the curiosity of your people and lets them validate their hunches. It empowers them to take the kind of risks that would have been too expensive –- in terms of both time and money -– to take just a few short years ago.
这对于一家公司的文化影响力是不可估量了。这归功于员工的好奇心,并让他们验证自己的直觉。这能够使他们承担起完成昂贵项目的风险 -- 从时间与资金的角度 --在以前需要几年才能完成的项目。
Feasible teamwork
Until fairly recently, collaboration within #panies just wasn’t convenient. The #plex systems that needed to be in place for things as basic as document version control slowed teams down and prohibited really any flexibility of discussion around the file being contributed to.
IT used to be that a file was rooted to a desktop. Today, it’s on every device you need it to be, wherever the device is. The real-time collaborative capabilities of cloud tools mean your people can look at a file and trust they’re all looking at the same one.
The freedom to move
As a cultural concept, mobility is really about flexibility and freedom. It’s about empowering people to step outside the traditional boundaries of their jobs to see more of the world they’re contributing to. When those boundaries exist because of technological constraints, it frustrates the people who want to do more -– the kind of people the organization wants to reward.
作为一个文化的概念,流动性指的是灵活度和自由度。这也是授权于员工,让他们跨越传统的界线去认识更广阔的世界。而这些界线的存在是由于技术所限,使得有追求的员工望而却步 -- 这类员工也是公司必须犒赏的。
What mobile #puting does is to allow those people to access more customer touch points, analyze more parts of the #pany and impact several processes at once. It lets them integrate the work they’re so passionate about into the rest of their life.
The #bined force of greater collaboration, the freedom to move and make bolder decisions mean that IT’s role is extending well beyond the technology stack. It’s be#ing central to defining how people work by giving them the answers they want when they wonder why they #e to work.