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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-6-12

  English Slang collection:


  [释] to #plain;

  [例] This is the third time Mike has send his newly-boughtly laptop for repair. He's got a lot to bellyache.;

  belly of the beast

  [释] a dangerous place;

  [例] Hey, don't go in that cave. It might be the belly of the beast.

  below the belt

  [释] very rude;

  [例] What he said about Tom was below the belt.;

  bend (one's) ear

  [释] to talk;

  [例] Can I bend your ear for a moment?;

  bend over backwards

  [释] make great efforts to do sth;

  [例] I'll bend over backwards to help you out.


  [释] a person on a sports team who never gets to play;

  [例] After having been a bench-warmer for the entire three seasons, Tim finally got himself into first team.;


  [释] highly drunk;

  [例] At the party last night, Jim was so bent!

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