作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-1-20
迷你对话: A: I heard that Ann had divorced. 我听说Ann离婚了。 B:I suspect it's unavoidable. 我料想这是不可避免的。 A: Poor Ann. She did not love her husband at all. 可怜的Ann。她根本就不爱她的丈夫。 B: Yeah. She married him at her mother's bidding. 是啊。她是遵照母命才和他结婚的。 词海拾贝: at one's bidding 照……的意旨,尊……之命 Eg. We went there at his bidding. 我们照他的吩咐去那里。 Eg. I only invited the boy on holiday at your bidding. 我是按你的吩咐才请孩子来度假的。 Eg. At his father's bidding he wrote to his lawyer. 他遵照父亲的吩咐给律师写信。 Eg. We joined the club at his bidding. 我们在他邀请下参加了这个俱乐部。